Other Passive Components
Other Passive Components#
So far, we’ve only looked at resistors as passive components. Now, we introduce capacitors and inductors.
A capacitor is a device that stores charge. Supercapacitors are sometimes used as a short-term replacement for batteries (Halper and Ellenbogen [2006]).
Physical Characteristics#
The relationship between the voltage across a capacitor and the charge stored by the capacitor is
where \(Q\) is the charge measured in coulombs, \(V\) is the applied voltage measured in volts, and \(C\) is the capacitance of the capacitor measured in Farads.
Just like resistance has an inverse quantity of conductance, capacitance has an inverse quantity of elastance.
Quantity |
Unit |
Abbreviation |
Variable |
Charge |
Coulomb |
C |
\(Q,q\) |
Voltage |
Volt |
V |
\(V,v\) |
Capacitance |
Farad |
F |
\(C\) |
Elastance |
Daraf |
F\(^{-1}\) |
\(D\) |
Equivalent Capacitance: Series#
Two elements connected in series share one node exclusively.
When two capacitors are in series they can be redrawn as a single capacitor.
The elastances add. Recall that
Solving for \(C_S\) and adding additional capacitors
The value of two capacitors in series is commonly expressed as
which is similar to the way the equivalent resistors of resistors in parallel is calculated (1).
Equivalent Capacitance: Parallel#
Two elements are in parallel when they are connected to the same two nodes.
When two capacitors are in parallel they can be redrawn as a single capacitor
Voltage/Current Relationship#
All of circuit analysis can be related back to the three fundamental laws: KVL, KCL, and Ohm’s Law. As new passive components are introduced we must reconsider the relationship between voltage and current. The capacitor equation takes the place of Ohm’s law.
We can start with the charge equation introduced earlier and restated here as a time-domain function.
taking the derivative of both sides leads to
Recall from the section on fundamentals the the time derivative of charge is current, \(i(t)=\frac{dq(t)}{dt}\), alternatively stated as the flow rate of charge. Therefore the derivative form of the capacitor equation can be stated as
An alternate form of the equation is used often. Taking the integral of each side of the derivative form results in the integral form of the capacitor equation:
For capacitors, these two forms of the capacitor equation take the place of Ohm’s Law in the methods of analysis previously introduced.
We shall see in the section Capacitor how we can make the connection to Ohm’s Law even more direct.
An inductor is a device that stores energy in magnetic flux.
Physical Characteristics#
The relationship between the current through an inductor and the magnetic flux in the inductor is
where \(\phi\) is the flux measured in webers, \(I\) is the current measured in amperes, and \(L\) is the inductance of the inductor measured in Henries (Photon [2013]).
Just like resistance has an inverse quantity of conductance, inductance has an inverse quantity of reluctance.
Quantity |
Unit |
Abbreviation |
Variable |
Flux |
Weber |
Wb |
\(\phi\) |
Current |
Ampere |
A |
\(I,i\) |
Inductance |
Henry |
H |
\(L\) |
Reluctance |
Inverse Henry |
H\(^{-1}\) |
\(\cal{R}\) |
Equivalent Inductance: Series#
Two elements connected in series share one node exclusively.
When two inductors are in series they can be redrawn as a single inductor
Equivalent Inductance: Parallel#
Two elements are in parallel when they are connected to the same two nodes.
When two inductors are in parallel they can be redrawn as a single inductor
The reluctances add. Recall that
Solving for \(L_P\) and adding additional inductors
The value of two inductors in parallel is commonly expressed as
Voltage/Current Relationship#
The derivative form of the inductor equation can be stated as
An alternate form of the equation is used often. Taking the integral of each side of the derivative form results in the integral form of the inductor equation:
For inductors, these two forms of the inductor equation take the place of Ohm’s Law in the methods of analysis previously introduced.
We shall see in the section Inductor how we can make the connection to Ohm’s Law even more direct.
Realistic Models of Passive Components#
What we have looked at above and earlier are ideal resistors, capacitors, and inductors. In reality, each of these devices often exhibits aspects of the other two also. Different models for real devices have been developed. They are as follows.
A Realistic Resistor Model#
Horowitz et al. (Horowitz and Hill [2020]) presents the following model for a realistic resistor.
Quantity |
Description |
\(R\) |
The nominal resistance. |
\(L_\ell\) |
The lead inductance. |
\(L_S\) |
The series inductance. |
\(C_P\) |
The parallel or shunt capacitance. |
A Realistic Capacitor Model#
Inc. [2009] presents the following model for a realistic capacitor.
Quantity |
Description |
\(R_S\) |
The series resistance. |
\(L_S\) |
The series inductance. |
\(C\) |
The nominal capacitance. |
A Realistic Inductor Model#
Inc. [2009] presents the following model for a realistic inductor.
Quantity |
Description |
\(R_S\) |
The series resistance. |
\(L\) |
The nominal inductance. |
\(C_P\) |
The parallel or shunt capacitance. |
Next Steps: Analyzing Circuits with Reactive Components#
Both the capacitor and inductor equations result in systems of equations that require knowledge of differential equations. We can approach this type of circuit analysis in two ways: 1) head-on by solving the systems of differential equations or 2) restating the equations using something called a phasor and solving it algebraically. Both approaches are presented here. I encourage you to read both sections if you have studied differential equations. You can skip the next section and proceed the section on phasors if you have not .
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Marin S. Halper and James C. Ellenbogen. Supercapacitors: A Brief Overview. https://www.mitre.org/sites/default/files/pdf/06_0667.pdf, 2006. [Online; accessed 14-March-2023].
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Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill. The Art of Electronics : the X-Chapters. Cambridge University Press, 2020.
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Agilent Technologies Inc. Agilent Impedance Measurement Handbook : A guide to measurement technology and techniques. Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2009.
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The Photon. Inductor equivalent of capacitor's charge. https://electronics.stackexchange.com/a/68361/4338, 2013. [Online; accessed 14-March-2023].