More Anatomy of a Circuit#

Before proceeding to Nodal Analysis let’s look at nodes, node voltages and how they relate to other circuit values.

Locating Non-reference Nodes#


If you don’t need to cross a component between two of your labeled nodes than they are, in fact, one node.

Relating Circuit Values to Node Voltages#

Component Voltages and Node Voltages#

Try the following quiz questions to see if you can find the relationship between the component voltages and the node voltages \(V_A\), \(V_B\), and \(V_C\).


Component Currents and Node Voltages#

Try the following quiz questions to see if you can find the relationship between the component currents and the node voltages \(V_A\), \(V_B\), and \(V_C\).


What happens if we reverse the direction of \(I_a\)?
